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A Brand New Year is Upon Us. Do not Hesitate to Find Ways to Improve Yourself.

MTI students

People around the world and especially members of our Mississauga and Port Credit Community are realizing the value of Certifications. Whether you are an individual looking for career advancement or a business owner looking to develop new skills for yourself or your staff, striving to be certified will validate your knowledge and level of expertise.

Here are 5 reasons to become Certified

1. Certification demonstrates excellence

Certification tests are tough. They require experience and expertise, and can be a challenge for even the most seasoned of editors. Having a Certification Credential shows you, your clients and your colleagues that you know your stuff.

2. Certification helps you determine your strengths—and your weaknesses

Studying and preparing for certification is a challenging process, but the challenge can be its own reward. Join a study group, practice, quiz yourself, study and review everything you ever knew—or thought you knew. When it's all over, you can have total confidence in your skills.

3. Certification is a powerful marketing tool

Promoting yourself as a certified professional lets potential clients know that you are the best of the best. Our Certifications include various mastery levels. The more you have, the better off you will be.

4. Certification is a requirement for some clients

As recognition of certification continues to grow, more employers are specifically seeking out certified staff. Which means certification just might give you an edge over the competition.

5. Certification is a one-of-a-kind honour

It seems that everyone has their degrees and diplomas, so adding Certifications and Specialized skills to your resume can set you apart.

Modern Theory Institute offers a number of Globally Recognized Certifications in various disciplines. Become Certified in Microsoft Products including Office (Word, Excel and more) or as an Microsoft Technology Associate and begin a career in Information Technology. We also offer certifications in ToonBoom, Adobe Products, AutoCad and Quickbooks.

Email us at for more information.

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