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JOB Readiness is Constantly Evolving. Ask yourself if you are 'Job Ready'?


Many young people find it difficult to find work after they finish school or finished their studies.

Many people with vast amounts of experience find it difficult to re-enter the workforce after taking a hiatus.

In this ever-changing, world job readiness is constantly evolving. You may have specific qualifications, but you may lack basic ‘Job readiness’ skills. Job readiness is multi-faceted. It is what employers are assessing during your interview and what will determine your success in the workforce.

We have divided some job readiness skills into categories. Have you asked yourself if you are JOB READY?


_____ Do I have a certificate, diploma or degree?

_____ Am I computer literate? Do I have MS Office, MS Word, Excel skills?

_____ Do I have up-to-date skills? Am I educated and proficient in the newest trends in my industry?


_____ Am I punctual? Will I arrive at work on time every day? Will I be on time for meetings?

_____ Am I reliable? Will I do all the work that is required of me?

_____ Am I responsible? Will I follow the company rules?

_____ Am I presentable? Will I dress neatly and appropriately?

_____ Am I hygienic? Will I wash/shower regularly and keep my work station clean?

_____ Am I positive? Or do I moan and groan about everything and everyone?

_____ Am I trustworthy? Can the company and my work colleagues trust me?

_____ Will I go the extra mile? Do I do more than I’m asked for or only the minimum?


_____ Do I learn from my mistakes? Or do I always blame other people?

_____ Do I accept criticism? Do I take and learn from it?

_____ Do I have manners? Do I say please and thank you?

_____ Am I tolerant? Do I respect other races, religions or nationalities?

_____ Am I interested in my fellow co-workers? Or do I only talk about myself?


_____ Do I have good communication skills? Can I read, write and speak well?

_____ Can other people read my hand writing?

_____ Can I follow instructions?

_____ Will I ask for help if I think I need it? Or will I just ignore the job?

_____ Am I fluent in English? Can I write, speak and read in English?

_____ Do I have a good phone manner? Do I answer it professionally?

_____ Do I have a firm business-like handshake? Or do I shake with a soft, limp hand?


_____ Am I a team player? Do I work well with others?

_____ Can I work with others to get the job done , even if I don’t like them?

_____ Can I take directions from somebody younger than me?


_____ Do I have a valid driver’s licence?

_____ Do I have reliable transport? Or will I be constantly late for work?

_____ I have no private problems that will constantly affect my work. Eg: childcare, family issues etc.

_____ Can you be readily available to your employers at relatively short notice?

Modern Theory Institute is an Education and Skills Training Center that offers a number of certifications courses and workshops. We believe we have something we can offer you to help you improve your job readiness skills. Call us at 905-990-7600 or email us for a free consult.

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