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Entrepreneur and Small Business (ESB) Program


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Develop the foundational concepts and knowledge in entrepreneurship and small business management.  This is a 3 module program covering topics on how to build the Entrepreneurial Mindset, Marketing, and Financial Management. 


At the completion of this program, challenge the ESB certification Exam. 




Module 1: Developing the Entrepreneurial Mindset

This module is ideal for anyone thinking about entering the field of entrepreneurship.  Understand the risks, rewards and additional factors involved in becoming an Entrepreneur.  


Module 2: Entrepreneurial Marketing

This module provides a practical guide for entrepreneurial marketing for those who are interested in starting or managing small or medium size operations.  


Module 3: Financial Management

Understand the true  "cost of doing business".  This module helps budding entrepreneurs generate realistic financial business models.  


ESB Certification Exam

This is an Industry approved Certification that will validate your knowledge of starting up or working in a small business.


Training Model:

Instructor Lead




7 weeks; 7 sessions @ 1 session per week

3 hours per session; 21 total hours


Module 1: Developing the Entrepreneurial Mindset - 2 sessions; 6 hours


Module 2: Entrepreneurial Marketing - 3 sessions; 9 hours


Module 3: Financial Management - 2 sessions; 6 hours



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