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Digital Marketing Program (with Google Partner Certification)



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Develop fundamental and advanced knowledge of Digital Marketing.  This is a 5 module program covering topics in introductory Digital Marketing concepts, Social Media, Google Ads, Google Analytics and advanced SEO strategies. 


For individuals considering a career in Digital Marketing, make yourself more competitive in the field by becoming Google Certified.  After completion of this program, prepare yourself to challenge the Google Certification Exam to become a Google Partner.  




Module 1: Digital Marketing Foundations

This course will give you a solid foundation in the strategic, tactical and creative essentials of Digital Marketing.  Scratch the surface of core concepts including search engine optimization (SEO), email marketing, analytics and content marketing.


Module 2: Google Analytics

Learn how to use Google Analytics, an essential measurement tool that allows businesses to collect intelligent data and analytics that will help them grow.


Module 3: Google Ads

Learn how to use Google Ads, including the Search and Display platforms.  Google Ads is a Pay-Per-Click (PPC) platform created by Google to ensure your business is visible on Search Engines and affiliate websites.  Learn PPC techniques that will help you maximize your spending.


Module 4: Social Media

Understand how to integrate Social Media into your Digital Marketing Strategy. Familiarize yourself with multiple social media platforms and how to best utilize them for your business.


Module 5: Advanced Local SEO

Learn SEO techniques that help businesses get maximum visibility on Search Engines.   


Training Model:




12 weeks @ 1 session per week

3 hours per session; 36 total hours


Module 1: Digital Marketing Foundations - 1 session; 3 hours


Module 2: Google Analytics - 3 sessions; 9 hours


Module 3: Google Ads - 4 sessions; 12 hours


Module 4: Social Media - 2 sessions; 6 hours


Module 5: Advanced Local SEO - 2 sessions; 6 hours



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