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Modern Theory Institute’s COJG Program

We are approved to offer subsidized training through Government Programs.

Grow Your Business today by Investing in your Employees


The benefits of training your employees is clear; providing professional training and skills upgrading helps retain and motivate valuable staff who want to keep learning and advancing their careers.  The greatest challenge companies face when considering how to provide professional training is the cost.  Let us help!


Take advantage of Modern Theory Institute’s COJG Program


Through this initiative we will help your employees get the training they need by:


  1. Assisting your organization with the COJG application process

  2. Tailor a training program specific to your industry needs

  3. Provide excellent professional skills training to your employees


What is the COJG?


The COJG is an initiative through Employment Ontario and the Federal Government created to support employer-training goals with direct financing to help businesses access training and bridge employee skills gaps with grants up to $10,000.00 per trainee.


How does MTI optimize the COJG?


Modern Theory Institute’s COJG Programallows employers to choose:


  • The training that meets their workforce development needs

  • The individuals to be trained


COJG Facts


  • Employers must contribute 1/3 of the total costs with some additional flexibility for small businesses to provide in-kind contributions

  • Training must be less than 1 year, and be delivered by eligible, third party trainers

  • Employers are required to complete an application and submit it on-line in order for funding to be considered


Get Started


Contact Jason Campbell: to begin the process today!

Request Information

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